Discrete Math and Game Design @ CMU
Seamless portals which appear within other portals, using C++ and OpenGL.
Developed as a key mechanic for my final project in
CMU's 15-466: Computer Game Programming course.
Space-themed pool table puzzle game built for GMTK Jam 2024.
Made in Unity with 6 friends in 96 hours. I programmed physics for orbital bodies, wormholes, and other space stuff.
No awards, but the game is very polished and feels extremely satisfying to play.
Mixed reality art installation/experience, inviting participants to defend themselves and surrounding art installations against a horde of chaotic alien creatures. Made with Unity for Quest 3.
Winner of the 2023 XRTC Creative Research Grant.
Portal-based first-person puzzle game, using C++ and OpenGL.
Besides portal rendering/logic, I focused on level design and scripting, with some tool dev to support those processes.
Developed as my final project in
CMU's 15-466: Computer Game Programming course.
Small camera-based puzzle game built in 48 hours for Ludum Dare 54.
Made in Unity, with custom assets, levels, photo taking/deleting mechanics.
Placed 72nd overall, 16th in innovation for solo competition category.
Reversed mini-golf in which you hit the hole to the ball.
Built in 3 days using C++ and OpenGL, with custom models and a basic physics engine,
for CMU's 15-466: Computer Game Programming course.
A research project with CMU's Embodied Computations Lab studying the potential impact of mixed reality devices in welding training, using Meta Quest Passthrough, Unity, and various microcontrollers.
A vertical slice FPS game developed with CMU's Game Creation Society. My first and favorite project I've worked on in Unreal Engine.
A mobile AR detective game developed for CMU's 53-472: Advanced Game Studio course, built with Niantic's Lightship ARDK for Unity to place virtual objects in real-world locations.